How can we help you?

Funding/Loans against Standby Letter of Credit

We will grant loans against Leased Bank Guarantee /Standby Letter of Credit. To understand these procedures and to receive more information, we would be very pleased to hear from you.

Funding Against Owned Bank Guarantees

We can arrange for funding/loans against Owned Bank Guarantee / Standby Letter of Credit facilities at most competitive rates of interest to enable you finance your requirement of capital to start or execute a business

Loan against Securities

We can come in to help by providing loans against approved securities and the only security that is required is the said investments. We can ensure that we get you the best deals for your requirement of loans against securities with the maximum possible finance at the minimum possible rates.

BG-SBLC-MTN Monetization

Bank collateral must be delivered by MT799 or MT760 electronic to funding bank purchase or lease instrument from 10 Million to 1 Billion.We can assist you with funding against SBLC Credit and Bank Guarantee , MTN, CD and other type of instruments.